Once there was a girl...

Once there was a girl...
One hot mama!

And a boy and his bear

And a boy and his bear
Jack and Howard - great buddies

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our new blog and our first updates!

Hi everyone!
So after much discussion and convincing by people far away who want to know what the heck is up with us on a regular basis and don't hear often enough, I have joined the world of blogging. Hopefully this will be a way for you all to keep up with our very busy and important lives!

Here's what's new with us:
Jack is 6 months old, well, technically 6 months and 4 days old today. He is the most incredible blessing to my life and I wouldn't change a minute of it. Everyone tells me there has never been a better baby, and aside from one person who disagreed (don't worry, I hit them), I am told repeatedly that he is clearly the most adorable creature to grace the earth. I could agree more.
Jack loves the kitty, bright lights, music and more music, his stinky formula, oatmeal cereal - and his newest favorite - green beans!!!

Jack's favorite past times include drooling, rolling over, kicking and talking (imagine that!) and taking baths. He LOVES to be in the water and splash and kick, especially if he can mommy and the kitchen all wet!
Jack also enjoys swinging and is sleeping through the night. He's working on scooting on his tummy, holding his head up for a long amount of time, and sitting up. It won't be long before he's on the move. He's also working diligently on getting some teeth, I think. He chews on anything in his reach. His favorite toys include blocks, books, Howard his bear, and his 2 stuffed ducks.
As for me, things are going well with me too! I am not getting teeth, sometimes sleeping through the night and working like a crazy girl in the daytime and evenings. I celebrated 2 years with the University of Phoenix in January and have been in my current position of Sr. Leadership Development Specialist for 15 months where I train the employees on soft skill techniques and focus on writing curriculum and training our managers to be better people leaders. Being the training queen serves me well and I love that I have the opportunity daily to help make a difference in the personal and professional lives of nearly 7600 people. After work, and after Jack is in bed, I put on my Master's degree pursuer hat. I am 3 classes from graduation with my Master of Arts of Education in Adult Education and Training. I'll graduate September 22nd, provided that I stay on track, and I am looking forward to the break from school!
I spend a little time with friends on the weekends usually, including a group of special people from church. Jack and I attend St. Patrick's Catholic Community in Scottsdale. I was cantoring there prior to Jack's birth, so now I sing occasionally sing with the choir, or just enjoy liturgy in a different way. I love our church!
We also recently moved into our own apartment, which is beautiful and a complete reflection of me. For the first time in a long time, when I walk in the door, I feel like I'm home... it's too bad it's 1500 miles South of where I wish it were. :)
Well, it's about time for bed, so I'll sign off for now. Thanks for checking in on us and we wish you love and happiness, peace and blessings. XO


Unknown said...

Happy to see you here! I started one of these here blogger thingies, but never finished my first post *blush*. Maybe I should get on that.

sarah goodman said...

Yippee for you and Jack! I can't wait to see what you guys are up too! Your pictures are almost ready too!

megasam said...

Jack is so super cute! I am so glad that you decided to start a blog. Now I am going to check in on you to see if you update it. I started a blog too. I emailed you a link to my blog. Take care.