If you look at the pictures and you see Jack wrapped in his crib bumper...
He decided one night that he didn't like it around the crib anymore, that it needed to be a part of his sleepwear!
Needless to say, his crib is now bumper-free.
Once there was a girl...
One hot mama!
And a boy and his bear

Jack and Howard - great buddies
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Baseball, Biter Biscuits, Teeth, Swimming and more!
July and August have been busy for us! I had so many good intentions of putting all sorts of things up here, but wow... what months!
Jack went to his first baseball game at Chase field, to see the Diamondbacks play. He was by FAR the cutest fan, even if he didn't make it through the whole game! He didn't seem too interested in the happenings on the field (they didn't play that well anyway!) but he did enjoy flirting with the people sitting around us! For my birthday, we went to another baseball game, and he didn't make it past the 6th inning! We had fun just the same!
Jack also is very passionate about biter biscuits. They are obnoxiously messy and a bath swiftly follows any biter biscuit event, but he loves them! In fact, if he could be allowed to double fist, that would be ideal! He also LOVES little puffed rice stars - mostly the sweet potato flavor. Although he's a little monkey, he doesn't like the banana flavored ones... but anything else - What a treat!!! He has mastered the art of picking them up and getting them to his mouth, but often the little buggers elude the actual deposit. After several attempts at launching them toward his mouth, I either have to help, or he very aggressively will dump the entire batch on the floor with one push! I wonder where he gets so much personality!
Jack has 2 teeth all the way in now, both of which he's had since the beginning of July. I FINALLY was able to capture the little things on camera... he thinks it's really funny to stick his tongue over them when you are taking a picture. Seriously... this is like an eclipse!
We are eagerly awaiting the emergence of the top two teeth who are sitting just below the gums and due to pop out any minute!
While a pro at sitting up now, Jack is still about 15 seconds from learning to crawl. He will be rocking back and forth on all fours, but gets very grumpy when he cannot move anywhere with this exercise! The response= he lays on the floor face down and cries. What a drama king...
Instead, I often find him scootching or more likely, rolling, across the room. He can make it from the living room to the kitchen faster than I can walk most days!
How does that old saying go??? RUT RO REORGE!!! This weekend's tasks include baby proofing!!!
We've been spending a little time in the pool as well. He is going to HATE me when he gets older and people have seen him dressed in this get-up, but what are you gonna do? The little white boy needs protection from desert sun!
Last but not least for the news: Jack will officially be changing his middle name to Houdini! Not only is he fearless enough to dive off of the futon, but the little magician magically found a way out of the 5 point harness on his stroller! We had arrived home, and I was unloading the diaper bag... he was playing in the stroller all buckled in. I turned to put the bottles in the sink and when I turned back around, he was sitting on the floor at the base of the stroller - all harness parts still intact! I have NO idea how this happened... but my teasing about him being Criss Angel's son may not be far off. The little goober can escape a stroller without making a sound.
Second on this weekend's agenda - duct tape and lowering the crib...just in case!
I couldn't get the pictures of these updates to upload... so check out this link instead for all the pics to accompany our last 2 months of fun!
Enjoy the week! We love you all!
Jen and Jack
Jack went to his first baseball game at Chase field, to see the Diamondbacks play. He was by FAR the cutest fan, even if he didn't make it through the whole game! He didn't seem too interested in the happenings on the field (they didn't play that well anyway!) but he did enjoy flirting with the people sitting around us! For my birthday, we went to another baseball game, and he didn't make it past the 6th inning! We had fun just the same!
Jack also is very passionate about biter biscuits. They are obnoxiously messy and a bath swiftly follows any biter biscuit event, but he loves them! In fact, if he could be allowed to double fist, that would be ideal! He also LOVES little puffed rice stars - mostly the sweet potato flavor. Although he's a little monkey, he doesn't like the banana flavored ones... but anything else - What a treat!!! He has mastered the art of picking them up and getting them to his mouth, but often the little buggers elude the actual deposit. After several attempts at launching them toward his mouth, I either have to help, or he very aggressively will dump the entire batch on the floor with one push! I wonder where he gets so much personality!
Jack has 2 teeth all the way in now, both of which he's had since the beginning of July. I FINALLY was able to capture the little things on camera... he thinks it's really funny to stick his tongue over them when you are taking a picture. Seriously... this is like an eclipse!
We are eagerly awaiting the emergence of the top two teeth who are sitting just below the gums and due to pop out any minute!
While a pro at sitting up now, Jack is still about 15 seconds from learning to crawl. He will be rocking back and forth on all fours, but gets very grumpy when he cannot move anywhere with this exercise! The response= he lays on the floor face down and cries. What a drama king...
Instead, I often find him scootching or more likely, rolling, across the room. He can make it from the living room to the kitchen faster than I can walk most days!
How does that old saying go??? RUT RO REORGE!!! This weekend's tasks include baby proofing!!!
We've been spending a little time in the pool as well. He is going to HATE me when he gets older and people have seen him dressed in this get-up, but what are you gonna do? The little white boy needs protection from desert sun!
Last but not least for the news: Jack will officially be changing his middle name to Houdini! Not only is he fearless enough to dive off of the futon, but the little magician magically found a way out of the 5 point harness on his stroller! We had arrived home, and I was unloading the diaper bag... he was playing in the stroller all buckled in. I turned to put the bottles in the sink and when I turned back around, he was sitting on the floor at the base of the stroller - all harness parts still intact! I have NO idea how this happened... but my teasing about him being Criss Angel's son may not be far off. The little goober can escape a stroller without making a sound.
Second on this weekend's agenda - duct tape and lowering the crib...just in case!
I couldn't get the pictures of these updates to upload... so check out this link instead for all the pics to accompany our last 2 months of fun!
Enjoy the week! We love you all!
Jen and Jack
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Jack's birth day started as an unusual day. I had intended to have Jack in Spokane and was scheduled to leave for there one week later, but it didn't work out that way.
I didn't have to be at work until 9that morning, so our schedule was off from the beginning of the day. Usually, Jack was most active between 7:30 and 10 AM each day, but on Friday, December 7, 2007, our day was very different.
I attended a graduation ceremony at work that morning, and noticed that Jack wasn't moving much, but figured he was just sleeping.
When graduation had finished, he still hadn't moved - so I brought in the big guns... one blue slushy, and laying on my side to startle the little guy. Nothing happened, so at noon, I stepped it up a notch and drank a Coke. Jack had never had caffeine so we were sure that would make him backflip! After 20 minutes laying on the floor of my office and poking my belly, and still no response, I called the doctor.
When graduation had finished, he still hadn't moved - so I brought in the big guns... one blue slushy, and laying on my side to startle the little guy. Nothing happened, so at noon, I stepped it up a notch and drank a Coke. Jack had never had caffeine so we were sure that would make him backflip! After 20 minutes laying on the floor of my office and poking my belly, and still no response, I called the doctor.
Debbie, the nurse, told me to go to the hospital to be monitored, just in case. So I got in my car and drove 23 miles to Scottsdale Healthcare- Shea, where my records were. There were several other hospitals closer, but for some reason, I went there... knowing my doctor was only 5 minutes away seemed better and more comforting for some reason. The Universe works in mysterious ways...
They immediately whisked me away to triage and started monitoring Jack. They had me drink juice, buzzed my belly and even reached up and rubbed his head and shoulders. His pulse was good, but steady as a rock - and there was no change, no matter what they did. Within 30 minutes of my arrival, Dr. Webb showed up and they began to prep me for a C-section.
The joke in the room was that I had in my planner to pack my bag for the hospital the NEXT day and I wasn't ready... but such is life.
I began the prepping process, called my brother, my boss and my mom and before I knew what was happening or really had time to freak out about it, I was on my way to the operating room for my spinal block. Within an hour, Jack was born.
He arrived at 4:56 pm on Friday, December 7, 2007 weighing 5 pounds, 9 ounces and was 18 1/4 inches long.
Because of the speedy delivery, no one else was able to be there for Jack's birth, but we were joined shortly by David, Rachel and Shelly. Here are our first pictures...
We ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days total. Here are some more photos from our hospital adventures!
Because Jack was early, he ended up with jaundice and had low blood sugar. He stayed under the lights for a while, and got his first Scottsdale Tan.
Even though we don't have a picture of it, Jack spent most of his time under the lights stretched out with his legs crossed like he was at the beach. It was adorable!
And he got to meet Grandma - who he fell in love with immediately!
A few days later, after a night of nesting and a hearing test, we were allowed to go home!

Next up - our first days home!
A miracle begins... before Jack was here
I found out that I was expecting in May. Here are some of the pictures throughout my pregnancy.

Since Jack decided he needed to make his mark on the world earlier than expected, I don't have any HUGE pregnant pictures... but to be fair, even at 8 months, I wasn't that big. 
In fact, many of the other moms-to-be in my birthing classes would give me a hard time about coming to classes so early in my pregnancy, when I was further along than they were!
Being pregnant was relatively easy for me. I didn't have any trouble and aside from the early and unexpected delivery, everything else was perfect and just exactly on schedule.

Next up... Baby Jack is born!
Another week gone...
When I think back on my life, I remember when things didn't happen so fast. I was just telling a friend of mine that the world is spinning too quickly and that I want to stop moving for just a minute and breathe...
I'm sure I am not the only one.
It seems like the last year has gone so quickly, and now that I measure my life in inches and ounces as Jack grows, the days, weeks, and months are literally dancing around me while I am attempting to stay aware in the moment and not miss a single thing.
During this freakfest of time travel, it occurs to me that many of you may not have been on the Jen and Jack journey all this time. So for the next several posts, I'm going to show you the first 6 months of Jack so you can be caught up! And as magic happens along the way, I'll fill you in on that too!
Today's miracle - Jack figured out how funny it is to spit out a full mouthful of squash and cereal. And not just in one fell swoop - but in a long drawn out sprinkler effect, tongue going all over, bubbles of lunch dripping down his chin. It's going to be time to invest in a carpet saving mat soon, I fear. He takes great joy in slowly expelling two or three bites worth of saved veggie/cereal medley that have been residing in his cheeks.
This is going to be fun...
This is going to be fun...
Watch for the catch up posts and know that we love you! Sunshine, peace and blessings! XO
Jen and Jack
The 6 month comparison
Hi Everyone,
I was strolling down memory lane the other day and happened across a picture I took of Jack shortly after he was born with his teddy bear, Howard, who you have all met previously in our pictures. I take pictures of the two of them almost every month so I can see how my little love is changing... and I wanted to share the miracle with you. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Our new blog and our first updates!
Hi everyone!
So after much discussion and convincing by people far away who want to know what the heck is up with us on a regular basis and don't hear often enough, I have joined the world of blogging. Hopefully this will be a way for you all to keep up with our very busy and important lives!
So after much discussion and convincing by people far away who want to know what the heck is up with us on a regular basis and don't hear often enough, I have joined the world of blogging. Hopefully this will be a way for you all to keep up with our very busy and important lives!
Here's what's new with us:
Jack is 6 months old, well, technically 6 months and 4 days old today. He is the most incredible blessing to my life and I wouldn't change a minute of it. Everyone tells me there has never been a better baby, and aside from one person who disagreed (don't worry, I hit them), I am told repeatedly that he is clearly the most adorable creature to grace the earth. I could agree more.
Jack loves the kitty, bright lights, music and more music, his stinky formula, oatmeal cereal - and his newest favorite - green beans!!!

Jack's favorite past times include drooling, rolling over, kicking and talking (imagine that!) and taking baths. He LOVES to be in the water and splash and kick, especially if he can mommy and the kitchen all wet!
Jack also enjoys swinging and is sleeping through the night. He's working on scooting on his tummy, holding his head up for a long amount of time, and sitting up. It won't be long before he's on the move. He's also working diligently on getting some teeth, I think. He chews on anything in his reach. His favorite toys include blocks, books, Howard his bear, and his 2 stuffed ducks.
As for me, things are going well with me too! I am not getting teeth, sometimes sleeping through the night and working like a crazy girl in the daytime and evenings. I celebrated 2 years with the University of Phoenix in January and have been in my current position of Sr. Leadership Development Specialist for 15 months where I train the employees on soft skill techniques and focus on writing curriculum and training our managers to be better people leaders. Being the training queen serves me well and I love that I have the opportunity daily to help make a difference in the personal and professional lives of nearly 7600 people. After work, and after Jack is in bed, I put on my Master's degree pursuer hat. I am 3 classes from graduation with my Master of Arts of Education in Adult Education and Training. I'll graduate September 22nd, provided that I stay on track, and I am looking forward to the break from school!
I spend a little time with friends on the weekends usually, including a group of special people from church. Jack and I attend St. Patrick's Catholic Community in Scottsdale. I was cantoring there prior to Jack's birth, so now I sing occasionally sing with the choir, or just enjoy liturgy in a different way. I love our church!
We also recently moved into our own apartment, which is beautiful and a complete reflection of me. For the first time in a long time, when I walk in the door, I feel like I'm home... it's too bad it's 1500 miles South of where I wish it were. :)
I spend a little time with friends on the weekends usually, including a group of special people from church. Jack and I attend St. Patrick's Catholic Community in Scottsdale. I was cantoring there prior to Jack's birth, so now I sing occasionally sing with the choir, or just enjoy liturgy in a different way. I love our church!
We also recently moved into our own apartment, which is beautiful and a complete reflection of me. For the first time in a long time, when I walk in the door, I feel like I'm home... it's too bad it's 1500 miles South of where I wish it were. :)
Well, it's about time for bed, so I'll sign off for now. Thanks for checking in on us and we wish you love and happiness, peace and blessings. XO
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