July and August have been busy for us! I had so many good intentions of putting all sorts of things up here, but wow... what months!
Jack went to his first baseball game at Chase field, to see the Diamondbacks play. He was by FAR the cutest fan, even if he didn't make it through the whole game! He didn't seem too interested in the happenings on the field (they didn't play that well anyway!) but he did enjoy flirting with the people sitting around us! For my birthday, we went to another baseball game, and he didn't make it past the 6th inning! We had fun just the same!
Jack also is very passionate about biter biscuits. They are obnoxiously messy and a bath swiftly follows any biter biscuit event, but he loves them! In fact, if he could be allowed to double fist, that would be ideal! He also LOVES little puffed rice stars - mostly the sweet potato flavor. Although he's a little monkey, he doesn't like the banana flavored ones... but anything else - What a treat!!! He has mastered the art of picking them up and getting them to his mouth, but often the little buggers elude the actual deposit. After several attempts at launching them toward his mouth, I either have to help, or he very aggressively will dump the entire batch on the floor with one push! I wonder where he gets so much personality!
Jack has 2 teeth all the way in now, both of which he's had since the beginning of July. I FINALLY was able to capture the little things on camera... he thinks it's really funny to stick his tongue over them when you are taking a picture. Seriously... this is like an eclipse!
We are eagerly awaiting the emergence of the top two teeth who are sitting just below the gums and due to pop out any minute!
While a pro at sitting up now, Jack is still about 15 seconds from learning to crawl. He will be rocking back and forth on all fours, but gets very grumpy when he cannot move anywhere with this exercise! The response= he lays on the floor face down and cries. What a drama king...
Instead, I often find him scootching or more likely, rolling, across the room. He can make it from the living room to the kitchen faster than I can walk most days!
How does that old saying go??? RUT RO REORGE!!! This weekend's tasks include baby proofing!!!
We've been spending a little time in the pool as well. He is going to HATE me when he gets older and people have seen him dressed in this get-up, but what are you gonna do? The little white boy needs protection from desert sun!
Last but not least for the news: Jack will officially be changing his middle name to Houdini! Not only is he fearless enough to dive off of the futon, but the little magician magically found a way out of the 5 point harness on his stroller! We had arrived home, and I was unloading the diaper bag... he was playing in the stroller all buckled in. I turned to put the bottles in the sink and when I turned back around, he was sitting on the floor at the base of the stroller - all harness parts still intact! I have NO idea how this happened... but my teasing about him being Criss Angel's son may not be far off. The little goober can escape a stroller without making a sound.
Second on this weekend's agenda - duct tape and lowering the crib...just in case!
I couldn't get the pictures of these updates to upload... so check out this link instead for all the pics to accompany our last 2 months of fun!
Enjoy the week! We love you all!
Jen and Jack
Once there was a girl...
One hot mama!
And a boy and his bear

Jack and Howard - great buddies
Monday, August 18, 2008
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